Beautiful building on the main street
(the Decumanus Maximus) |

Main Portico of that building |

Close-up of the lintel |

Warren Wright telling us about
the Capitolium and the Forum |

The Capitolium of Ostia |

Some of Us in the Theater
(photo by Jaime Clark-Soles) |

Marble columns in a house |

Atrium of a house |

The main theater next to
the Forum of the Corporations |

A beautiful mosaic in
the Forum of the Corporations |

Another mosaic in the
Forum of the Corporations |

Mosaic in another house |

Jaime Clark-Soles showing us
the Temple of Cybele / Magna Mater |

Attis reclining on a rock;
in the Campus Magnae Matris |

Statue of Cybele (?)
in the Campus Magnae Matris |

Temple Platform in the Campus
(photo by Jaime Clark-Soles) |

Another Temple in the Campus
(photo by Jaime Clark-Soles) |

Interior of a Shop
(photo by Jaime Clark-Soles) |

Bill Alexander describing
the Mithreum of Felicissimus |

Mosaic dedicated to Felicissimus
on the floor of the Mithreum |

Main Hall of the Mithreum |